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Rules allow any endpoint (services, specific API endpoints, an entire cluster) to ratelimit or alert on a variety of different filters and groupings.


As Command receives telemetry, it evaluates these rules in realtime. Once a threshold has been met, any traffic matching this rule for a given actor (as determined in the by field) is blocked for a set period of time (timespan_secs) if the action is block, or alert_block. Alerts are recorded and shown in the Command dashboard.

Notably, rules do not get evaluated by LeakAgent and are only available in Command.

If the sidecar proxy loses connection to Command, all block rules are terminated until connection can be re-established.


Rules are specified in the top-level rules field of the policy.


  • grouping: per_inbound_service, per_outbound_service, per_endpoint, or global -- specifies the grouping of inbound data for rule execution. I.e. a per_inbound_service rule by ip looks at the rate of traffic of each ip for each service, and evaluates the rule.
  • by: ip (default), token, service, or an object with a single field header signifying a header name -- the unique ID to be used for the rule. Note that response-derived tokens will still let the initial request through.
  • count_by: Same as by, optional. If set, only unique values for this field will increment the counter in a given timespan.
  • action: block (default), alert_block, alert, or nothing -- the action to take upon the rule conditions being met.
  • timespan_secs: The timespan over which requests/responses are counted for rule evaluation. This effectively means that a client is limited to limit/timespan_secs requests per second.
  • limit: The maximum number of requests within timespan_secs before the rule is triggered
  • filter: The evaluation filter of the rule, see below.
  • severity: The Rule Severity.
  • muted: boolean for if the rule has been muted or not

Rule Severity

  • Routine
  • Notable
  • Concern (default)
  • Immediate

Rule Filter

Each filter has exactly one of the following keys:

  • endpoint: Takes one of more Path Globs and requires that any of them match the endpoint
  • exclude_endpoint: Takes one of more Path Globs and requires that all of them do not match the endpoint
  • policy_path: Takes one of more Path Globs and requires that any of them match the policy path
  • exclude_policy_path: Takes one of more Path Globs and requires that all of them do not match the policy path
  • peer_service: Takes one or more Service Filter and requires that any of them match the peer_service
  • exclude_peer_service: Takes one or more Service Filter and requires that all of them do not match the peer_service
  • local_service: Takes one or more Service Filter and requires that any of them match the local_service
  • exclude_local_service: Takes one or more Service Filter and requires that all of them do not match the local_service
  • token: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that any of them match the token. A missing token is an empty string
  • exclude_token: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that all of them do not match the token. A missing token is an empty string
  • ip: Takes one or more IP address or CIDR and requires that any of them match the ip
  • exclude_ip: Takes one or more IP address or CIDR and requires that all of them do not match the ip
  • request_matches: Takes a map of category names and one or more Match Rule Filters that the category must satisfy. Use "*" to match any category.
  • response_matches: Takes a map of category names and one or more Match Rule Filters that the category must satisfy. Use "*" to match any category.
  • downstream_matches: same as request_matches, but for streaming mode
  • upstream_matches: same as response_matches, but for streaming mode
  • request_headers: Takes a map of header names and one or more Match Rule and, for each header listed, requires that the header key exist and any of the rules match the header value
  • exclude_request_headers: Takes a map of header names and one or more Match Rule and, for each header listed, requires that the header key either doesn't exist or that none of of the rules match the header value
  • response_headers: Takes a map of header names and one or more Match Rule and, for each header listed, requires that the header key exist and any of the rules match the header value
  • exclude_response_headers: Takes a map of header names and one or more Match Rule and, for each header listed, requires that the header key either doesn't exist or that none of of the rules match the header value
  • response_trailers: Takes a map of trailer names and one or more Match Rule and, for each trailer listed, requires that the trailer key exist and any of the rules match the trailer value
  • exclude_response_trailers: Takes a map of trailer names and one or more Match Rule and, for each trailer listed, requires that the trailer key either doesn't exist or that none of of the rules match the trailer value
  • request_cookie: Takes a map of names and one or more Match Rule and, for each key listed, requires that the request cookie header contains the key and any of the rules match the header value
  • exclude_request_cookie: Takes a map of names and one or more Match Rule and, for each key listed, requires that the request cookie either doesn't contain the key or that none of of the rules match the key's value
  • response_outbound: Matches request/response pairs for which the request is inbound and the response is outbound
  • response_inbound: Matches request/response pairs for which the request is outbound and the response is inbound
  • any: Takes one or more Filters and requires that any of them match the request/response
  • all: Takes one or more Filters and requires that all of them match the request/response

Match Rule Filter

  • path: One or more json paths that the match belongs to. Can use wildcards like test.my_ssn.*.ssn[*].
  • exclude_path: One or more json paths that the match must not belong to. Can use wildcards like test.my_ssn.*.ssn[*].
  • count: The minimum amount of matches to qualify. Defaults to 1 if not specified
  • value: One or more Match Rules that the matches value must match
  • any: A list of Match Rule Filters where at least one should be satisfied
  • any: A list of Match Rule Filters where all need to be be satisfied

Service Filter

Each service filter has exactly one of the following keys:

  • cluster: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that any of them match the cluster component
  • exclude_cluster: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that all of them do not match the cluster component
  • ns: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that any of them match the namespace component
  • exclude_ns: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that all of them do not match the namespace component
  • sa: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that any of them match the service account component
  • exclude_sa: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that all of them do not match the service account component
  • workload: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that any of them match the workload component
  • exclude_workload: Takes one or more Match Rule and requires that all of them do not match the workload component
  • response_outbound: Matches request/response pairs for which the request is inbound and the response is outbound
  • response_inbound: Matches request/response pairs for which the request is outbound and the response is inbound
  • any: Takes one or more Service Filters and requires that any of them match the request/response
  • all: Takes one or more Service Filters and requires that all of them match the request/response


- grouping: per_inbound_service
by: service
- peer_service: "cluster.local/default/cartservice"
- peer_service: "cluster.local/default/checkoutservice"
action: block
timespan_secs: 30
limit: 3000
- grouping: per_endpoint
by: ip
- endpoint: "**/api/**"
- exclude_endpoint: "**/api/v1/health"
action: alert
timespan_secs: 60
limit: 750
- grouping: per_endpoint
by: ip
- endpoint: "**/api/**"
- exclude_endpoint: "**/api/v1/health"
- exclude_token: exampleToken123
action: block
timespan_secs: 60
limit: 1500
- grouping: global
by: ip
timespan_secs: 10
limit: 10
peer_service: external